Monday, November 14, 2011

Getting a bargain

Is there anything more stereotypical than a Jewish woman who loves a bargain? No, but what’s wrong with that? For me getting a deal literally gives me a rush, I get giddy like a little kid eating ice cream.

This morning I was at a playgroup and chatting with a friend about shopping and our latest finds when another woman I knew, not Jewish, came over. “I love chatting with you girls, you always have great shopping advice, and don’t think you have to be Jewish to like a bargain, we shiksas like to save money too”. When you meet this woman, trust me, you will love her.

There is a Yiddish saying “A metziah far a ganuf – a bargain even for a thief”. Although it loses some of its oomph in translation, the idea is that sometimes a deal is so good, even a thief would be lucky to find it

I just recently got a new cell phone, a smart phone specifically, and one of the neat features that sold me was the shopping app that scans barcodes and tells you the cheapest place to get it, how neat! I no longer have to run from store to store, or even compare weekly flyers; I think it may become my new best friend.

I could write about finding bargains ect, but why should I do that when there are so many great sites out there that do a fantastic job

This is one site I find fun:

Now if the regular person, with putting in just a bit of effort, can live on a budget, get awesome bargains and deals for everyday valuable stuff, why is it the politicians feel the need to always over pay, and spend money is such odd ways? I mean honestly, let me take a congress person shopping and teach them how to get a good bargain, Sheesh!

1 comment:

  1. here, here!! let me know how the shopping spree with congressperson x works out, will ya? :D
