Monday, December 5, 2011

Oddly Organized, Sometimes

Everyone has their way of doing things. I am pretty particular about where things are in my kitchen, which knives are used for what, and don't even get me started about which pots and pans go on which burner. Now don't get me wrong, my pot tops are always hard to find in the pot cabinet, but the point is, it's my pot cabinet and I can find to top I need every time.

Now there is nothing I enjoy more than when the house is sparkling and everything is in order, but in all honestly, its a small house with three kids that situation only lasts a short time. I feel like I am constantly cleaning up and picking up, and I am. That's just how it is with little ones, with lots going on.
I wouldn't call myself messy, but not meticulously organized to the "T".

Today I was getting some clothes together to send it to my sister for her young son, and I pulled out an adorable cardigan, but I noticed that it was missing a button, what a shame. But then I jumped up and got my button box! It is a small organizer box with small sections and every time I buy something with extra buttons I put it in that box, and low and behold! I found the button from the cardigan, 4 years later! I safety pinned it to the label on the cardigan and packed it into the box and sent it off.

My husband made a comment that he was so impressed, especially since it was so not like either of us. But why is it not like either of us? Just because my house doesn't look picture perfect like I would like it to all the time, doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the meticulous organization of the Stepford wives?

That made me start to think, is perfection always needed, or is it something that needs to be there at the right time, and that's good enough? Are we striving for perfection or just getting by? And perfection to one, may not be perfection to another.
So as I stay up waay past the time the rest of the house has gone to sleep, and I pick up more toys in the dining room, wash more dishes and wipe down the counters again, I look at my little piles that adorn many corners in my house and think, if I know what is in that pile, that makes it semi-organized.

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